Mariann, Emma, poppy field, Mogyoród, Hungary / Mariann, Emma, pipacsmező, Mogyoród (Sold)
Mariann, Emma, poppy field, Mogyoród, Hungary 150 x 100cm (59″ x 39″), oil on canvas. Mariann, Emma, pipacsmező, Mogyoród. Olajfestmény, vászon 150 x 100 cm. Not for sale
Storm, Kerekegyháza, Hungary / Vihar, Kerekegyházán, Magyarország (Sold)
Storm in August, Kerekegyháza, Hungary. 150 x 100 cm, oil on canvas. ht Vihar, augusztusban, Kerekegyházán, Magyarország Olajfestmény, vászon 150 x 100 cm. Not for sale
House Fertő Lake / Ház a Fertő Tónál
House near the Fertő Lake Hungary, private land, June. 100 x 70 cm, (39″ x 27″) oil on canvas. Ház a Fertő Tónál, magán terület, június. Olajfestmény, vászon 100 x 70 cm. Original 800 Euro Canvas Print (Stretched on frame...
Hungarian plain, summer / Puszta, nyár (Sold)
Hungarian plain, summer: Clouds, plain, July. 80 x 60 cm, oil on canvas. facebook@artmikewallace Puszta, nyár: felhők, puszta, július. Olajfestmény, vászon 80 x 60 cm. facebook@artmikewallace Not for sale
Religion & Rainbows / Vallás és Szivárványok
Religion & rainbows: frontal May clouds on the Hungarian Plain. 120 x 80 cm, (47″ x 31″) oil on canvas. Vallás és szivárványok: puszta májusi felhökkel az elötérben. Olajfestmény, vászon 120 x 80 cm. Original 500 Euro Canvas Print (Stretched...
Sculptor on the Illinois river / Szobrász az Illinois folyón (Sold)
Sculptor on the Illinois river: A sculptor commissioned a painting of a landscape from me. I decided to superimpose him over the Illinois river in Peoria IL USA working on his sculptures where he plans to install them. Oil on...
Second Hand Clothes Shop / Turkáló
Second Hand Clothes Shop: A shop fixated on pink and purple in the VIII district Budapest. The owner is sitting in the doorstep also in pink and purple. 50 x 70 cm (19″ x 27″) Oil on canvas. Turkáló: Budapest...
The Barber’s Shop / Fodrászüzlet
The barber’s shop: The barber’s shop below my apartment in the VIII district of Budapest. Music, life, colour. 50 x 70 cm (19″ x 27″) Oil on canvas. Fodrászüzlet: A fodrászat a lakásom alatt található a 8. kerületben. Zene, élet,...
October Great Hungarian Plain / Októberi puszta
A deserted farm house, Acacia trees, the odd plastic bag windswept onto the fence and the endless horizon. 120 x 80 cm, (47″ x 31″) oil on canvas. Elhagyatott parasztház, akácfák, az oda nem illő nylon zacskók a kerítésre akadva...
Man in Trabant / Ember a Trabantban
Man in Trabant: This is a man who fixes mends cars on the pavement in my street in the VIII district. He has a beautifully refurbished Trabant which he clearly loves and keeps all of his equipment in. Being rather...